All posts in Council statements and updates Our press releases and information about major announcements or events in Lambeth.
Lambeth Floral Ride Everyone is invited to take part in this year’s Floral Ride on the streets of Lambeth and pedal to the Lambeth Country Show.
Weekly waste collection for your garden For just £5 a month, we can collect your garden waste and turn it into soil improver for parks and gardens.
Update: Fire Safety work Following the tragic fire at Grenfell Tower in Kensington, Lambeth Council has been working closely with the London Fire Brigade to reassess all our medium/high rise residential tower blocks...
Our Children. Our Future July 12 at the Hideaway, Streatham, 5.30 – 8.30pm: together we will identify the issues, ambitions and actions we need to take to make a big impact...
Council Tax support Tell us what you think about proposed changes to Council Tax support. The consultation runs until Sunday 3 September.
Making Larkhall Park better Have your say on our proposals for local housing that supports a better Larkhall Park
Looking after Brixton Rec Over the next two months, surveys will be carried out that will tell us more about the condition of mechanical and electrical installations, as well as the building’s internal...
Update: Fire safety testing As investigations go on following the Grenfell Tower fire in Kensington, Lambeth is working closely with the government and London Fire Brigade to ensure safety for residents.