All posts in Post Type All posts on Love Lambeth are categorised which can be any one of, news & announcements, council statements and updates, consultations, or opportunities.
Lambeth Made: Levi Roots inspires young people’s entrepreneurial spirit Brixton’s most famous entrepreneur Levi Roots made a return to the Dragon’s Den with more than fifty Lambeth pupils who pitched for funding to back their brand new social...
Lambeth businesses held to account for selling knives and alcohol to under-18s Trading Standards team planned operations with underage volunteers testing Lambeth businesses’ ability to prevent underage sales – and took three businesses to court.
EventLambeth is delighted to announce the Community Events Fund is now open Applications will close, 12 noon on Friday 24 January 2020 so you have 8 weeks to submit your application. Apply now.
Putting the ‘Bus’ into Small Business 7 December is Small Business Saturday across the UK. In Lambeth, small businesses were invited to come to the Small Business Bus to help prepare.
Year 10s take over the Digital and Delivery Programme! On Friday 22 November, the Digital and Delivery Programme team doubled in size (and halved in average age)! We were joined for the day by five Year 10 students...
Young people take over Lambeth Lambeth council hosted the Takeover Challenge on Friday. The day saw pupils from the borough shadow mentors in their jobs for the day.
Benefits and ICT team showcase Lambeth scanning project to other councils The benefits and ICT services team have been hosting other councils to share what they've learnt from our recent Scan Station project. The self-service stations make it easier for...
Walcot Foundation – New Funding Round for Verbal Expressions of Interest Are you part of a project to help people in Lambeth with removing barriers in education, maximising learning, building employability (especially youth unemployment or in-work poverty) or developing money...