All posts in Voluntary and community sector We are committed to working in partnership with these organisations to give our residents the best possible opportunities. Read more about the latest work we and our partners are doing below.
£200k grant launched for groups helping young people into work Community groups, small charities and voluntary sector organisations in Lambeth needed now to deliver the Headstart Action programme to help young people - with funds from the Mayor...
Charity celebrates 10 years of helping young Lambeth Patron of BigKid reminds Lambeth citizens to celebrate the positive in what young people in London can achieve, in 10th anniversary speech.
Disability 2018 – time for change The aim of the disability-themed event is event is to focus on how the council can address Equality Commission recommendations around awareness, participation, service delivery, equality of opportunity and...
Community Chest invests in local community In 2017/18, nine local community groups in Bishops Ward delivered social, environmental, regeneration, and education projects with grants from the Coca Cola London Eye Community Chest grant fund administered...
Dying Matters at the Health and Wellbeing Board Thinking ahead and recording what 'a good death' means to you helps to make sure that family, friends and professionals respect your care and treatment wishes. This can give...
Volunteering with Citizens Advice in Lambeth The first week in June is national Volunteer’s Week, a chance to celebrate the contribution of volunteers across the country. Local charities supported by dedicated and passionate volunteers include...
Go Side By Side for patients in Lambeth As a Side by Side volunteer, you work with someone diagnosed with dementia. Together you do anything you like - from playing a musical instrument to walking in the...
Are you a carer for an adult in Lambeth? Come and experience Service Design for Adult Social Care Lambeth Adult Social Care and the London College of Communication are collaborating on Service design - looking at Adult Care Services from the point of view of service users...