At the free Lambeth Council event you can expect all the attractions of a traditional country show, plus much more. Horticultural shows, sheep dog and owl displays, home grown vegetable and flower competitions, numerous craft & food stalls and our very own on site farm will be there for all to enjoy. All this will be on offer and more with a distinctively urban south London vibe.
Music always plays a big part to the show too featuring a mix of dub, afro-beat, disco, folk, ska and soul. Sunday will welcome back Roots Reggae Day to the Main Stage and our Village Green stage will showcase an eclectic mix of local talent playing acoustic folk, soul and pop, along with steel orchestras and samba bands.
Word from the Cabinet
Cllr Lib Peck, Lambeth Council leader, said: “I’m delighted that Lambeth is putting on the 43rd show. It’s such a unique and characterful event, meaning it’s the perfect celebration of our diverse, exciting and inclusive borough.
“Despite financial cuts, we made a commitment to keep the show free and am pleased that we have been able to honour it even in tough times.”
Visit lambethcountryshow.co.uk for more details about the line-up for the weekend and more details of all the attractions. A free Lambeth Country Show smartphone app will be available to download for a full weekend programme with a map of the site and stage timings. Alternatively a £2 printed guide will be available to buy at the event.
Public security
We would like to make all visitors aware that the Lambeth Country Show is operating random bag and body searches and we apologise for any inconvenience this may cause. It is important to note that this measure does not relate to any specific threat, but is part of our enhanced security procedures.
Please note that Brockwell Park is a glass free site. Anybody with glass or other prohibited items will be asked to dispose or take if off site. Plastic compostable decanters will be made available where possible at a small fee of £1 which will go towards supporting the event.
The safety of the public and visitors remains our number one priority. CCTV will be in operation throughout the park. Visitors should remain alert but not alarmed, and should report anything suspicious to the security or the police on site.
In an emergency always call 999