Following on from the recent success of the annual Lambeth Music Festival, Lambeth Music Service return to Southbank Centre to present a celebration of their unique whole class music teaching programme with their forthcoming Musitrax Festival. The event will see nearly 600 young musicians from nine primary schools playing together as a massed ensemble in two concerts.
The music arranged by Lambeth Music Service staff includes classical, blues and pop tunes and will be performed alongside a professional band made up of tutors from the music service.
One school that has been involved in the Musitrax programme for a number of years is Julian’s Primary School, Streatham and West Norwood.
Sarah Wilson, Deputy Headteacher said: “Julian’s is an expanding school and we use the Musitrax provision to enrich our outstanding creative curriculum. With creativity at the heart of all that we do, the music lessons across the school provide our children with the opportunity to learn, experiment and create through music.”
Started in 2010, the Musitrax festival was first held in Windrush square Brixton where pupils got to perform with special guest Dragon slayer Levi Roots. Since then the Festival has moved to its resident location at the Royal festival Hall and delivered in partnership with Southbank Centre.
The Lambeth Music Service was established in 2001 with a direct government Standards Fund grant and works with the Lambeth Children and Young People’s Service, other education organisations, funding bodies, charities and business partners to provide music education in the Borough.
For more information visit www.lambethmusic.co.uk or follow on twitter @lambethmusic and for information and enquiries email festival@lambethmusic.co.uk or call Lambeth Music Service on 0207 091 1240.
Wednesday 28 June
The Clore Ballroom at Royal Festival Hall
Musitrax Wind Concert 1:15 pm
Musitrax Strings Concert 17:30pm
Free event