Join the mission! Make your own posters to get everyone eating more vegetables! See the national ‘Eat Them to Defeat Them’ posters at the top of the page.
Design your veg power poster
We want Lambeth school pupils to design their own Eat Them to Defeat Them posters and win prizes. The top 20 posters will be displayed in Windrush Square at the Brixton Veg Invasion event on 6 April with one star winner announced on the day.
What you can win
- 20 x winners will get a £20 book voucher, goody bag & massive version of your poster
- 1 star prize: also get your poster displayed across Lambeth!
How to enter
- All 7-11 year old children can submit their design to their nearest Lambeth library by Sunday 31 March 2019
- Entries should be on A4 paper (portrait – ie, taller than it is wide)
- Include the name of the school, child and the child’s year group written in pencil on the back
- The top 20 posters will be announced 3 April 2019
How to design a winning poster
- Feature vegetable invading the Earth
- Show heroes defeating the vegetables
- Come up with fun catch phrases like: ‘you’re going down peas’
- Include EAT THEM TO DEFEAT THEM in big letters
- Use lots of bright colours
- Don’t feature fruits or potatoes as they are not vegetables
- Feature scenes of violence or anything too scary!
- Use language which might cause offense
- Encourage bullying
- Entries only allowed by KS2 pupils. The judge’s decision is final.
More Information
- If you want to know more about the Eat Them to Defeat Them campaign check out the Veg Power website
- If you have any queries about the competition do contact us on publichealth@lambeth.gov.uk
- See the ITV advert on You Tube