The coaches go into in sports centres, special needs schools and day centres including Michael Tippett School and The Livity School (both special schools in Lambeth) as well as delivering the DSC Community Sports Club that runs on a Tuesday from 4.30pm at Brixton Recreation Centre.
The latest Active People Survey in June 2016 showed that disabled peoples participation in sport is half that of the general population (17% compared to 39%) and this is putting them at a much higher risk of certain health conditions such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, stroke and some cancers.
Disabled people face a wide range of barriers when it comes to being active and DSC works to try and break down some of these barriers and have been working in partnership with Brixton Recreation Centre to offer a new initiative called LIVE. The aim of LIVE is to encourage more disabled people to access local leisure facilities and be active on a regular basis benefiting their health physically and mentally. Disability Sports Coach want to work with community groups and schools to run weekly sessions on a Tuesday to support disabled people to feel confident to be physically active whether it is at a sports sessions, in the gym or on a health walk.
If you are a school or community group and would like more information on what is available visit Disability Sports Coach website or contact Hugh at Hugh@disabilitysportscoach.co.uk.