Brand new council homes ready for Lambeth residents The development of 31 new homes includes social rent one and two-bedroom apartments, as well as accessible and much-needed larger... More »
Lambeth: Plans for Westbury Estate Renewal Progresses Lambeth's plans for new social housing off Wandsworth Road progress as council works to meet desperate shortage
Lambeth plans housing shake-up to build more council homes Lambeth is planning a shake-up of its affordable housing delivery, to speed up efforts to tackle the housing crisis and build more much-needed new homes for local people
Lambeth Council plan CIL changes to help deliver long-term goals The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) is paid by developers to the council as part of the planning process and is used to contribute towards essential infrastructure improvements across the...
Read Autumn’s Lambeth talk New plans for a creative new school year, fantastic local festivals and a unique sense of a very supportive community –this is Lambeth in autumn!
Rogue landlord fined £10,000 for running an unsafe and unlicensed property A landlord has been fined £10,000 for operating an unlicensed and unsafe house with multiple tenants.
High-quality temporary homes to help tackle Lambeth’s housing crisis Lambeth is planning to build temporary homes on underused plots of land to help tackle the borough’s housing and homelessness problem.
Lambeth Housing Standard: Valencia’s story With new radiators last year, and a new kitchen and bathroom in 2018, Valencia feels like her home has had ‘more than a facelift’ – but she’s never met...