Housing fraudster sentenced A fraudster has been handed a 2-year suspended jail sentence after sub-letting a council house while living with her family elsewhere and owning another property worth hundreds of thousands...
Landor Road planting day Chance to get involved in creating an urban orchard along the front of the Fenwick Estate.
Central Hill residents consulted on the future of their estate After months of analysis and speaking to residents, Lambeth Council has announced that its recommendation for the future of the Central Hill estate is full rebuilding.
The Future of the Central Hill Estate Local ward councillor and Cabinet Member for Housing Matthew Bennett blogs on the future of the Central Hill Estate in Gipsy Hill
Free advice in GP Surgeries If you have problems with welfare benefits, debt, housing or employment, One Lambeth Advice provide a free confidential and independent advice service.
The Survey of Tenants and Residents (STAR) 2016 is coming About 10,000 Lambeth Council and Lambeth Tenants Management Organisation (TMO) residents will soon be asked to take part in the Survey of Tenants and Residents (STAR) 2016 to say...
Standing up for our community Ordinary people doing extraordinary things for their local neighbourhoods were honoured during a glittering ceremony for Lambeth council's Community Pride Awards 2016.