Our Streets Our Streets is the latest phase of our Neighbourhood Enhancement Programme set up to provide an opportunity for residents to tell us how we can improve streets in their...
Landor Road planting day Chance to get involved in creating an urban orchard along the front of the Fenwick Estate.
Love Lambeth Air Lambeth council, in partnership with Mapping for Change, is providing diffusion tubes to residents and businesses to measure nitrogen dioxide outside their home or office.
Engine Idling Action Days Lambeth has partnered up with 11 other London boroughs to tackle the unnecessary engine idling, to increase awareness and to maximise impact across London.
Easing congestion in Brixton A feasibility study on the options for having efficient delivery and servicing around Brixton Town centre is now underway.
Read September’s Lambeth talk September means new beginnings and new creative ideas. Find out about all amazing projects running in our borough.
Standing up for our community Ordinary people doing extraordinary things for their local neighbourhoods were honoured during a glittering ceremony for Lambeth council's Community Pride Awards 2016.