“Peregrine Park” officially named by contest winner Lambeth unveils official signs naming the green space and playground next to West Norwood Health and Leisure Centre “Peregrine Park”.
Lambeth wardens support residents and businesses over Easter Lambeth council wardens have been out across the borough encouraging residents and businesses to stick to the Covid-19 rules when restrictions are relaxed next week.
Lambeth leaps forward for dementia with Froglife Nature charity Froglife are working with Lambeth’s Parks to set up London’s first scheme to help people with dementia feel the benefit of getting outdoors to connect with nature.
Lambeth’s parks lead the field with green-powered fleet The 62 eco-friendly vehicles in Lambeth’s Parks fleet have kept their Van Excellence accreditation for 3 years – and just added a FORS bronze award.
Lambeth wins its first borough-wide London in Bloom Gold Lambeth’s Parks and Open Spaces team created individual portfolios for the judging of this year’s London in Bloom. Their work has been richly rewarded.