Bringing history to life with Lambeth’s Heritage Festival Find more than 80 walks, talks, art exhibitions and more to celebrate Shakespeare in Lambeth and the people and places that make up Lambeth’s history and heritage.
Black History Month 2020 – Lambeth celebrations Lambeth Libraries celebrate Black History Month throughout October with books, talks, workshops, theatre music and more.
Lambeth theatres wrapped in hope Clapham Omnibus and Longfield Hall volunteered to be wrapped in ‘#Missing LiveTheatre’ tape as pieces of art to send a message of hope to audiences and to theatre workers.
Topping out ceremony for new theatre development on Coldharbour Lane, Brixton The long awaited and much anticipated move for Ovalhouse to its new theatre and creative hub in Brixton has taken a major step forward. A ceremonial bolt was inserted...
Inclusive change at 201-year-old Old Vic AccessAble review all kinds of buildings open to the public, offering detailed accessibility information for visitors. It has updated its guide to The Old Vic with easy to read...
Lambeth’s call to action on suicide prevention Lambeth’s lead suicide prevention champion explains the idea behind creating a network of champions.
Longfield Hall: Creativity and community A new blue plaque celebrates cultural memories of Longfield Hall – while the community continues to move ahead with creativity, learning, performance and more.
Dark and Light Theatre at Longfield Hall A project for Black History Month shares the story of Brixton’s multicultural theatre with teaching people about theatre for the first time.