80% of primary school children and 96% of teenagers don’t eat enough vegetables for a healthy diet. Lambeth has been taking part in the “Eat Them to defeat them” campaign with TV advertising, Veg activities for 7-11 year olds at school, and a poster campaign. The Veg Invasion of Windrush Square and Brixton Markets on Saturday April 6 is a big free live event for all the family.
Veg Invasion free family fun day
Lambeth Council have teamed up with Eat Them to Defeat Them to host this free event. Families are invited to come along to Windrush Square, Brixton, from 11am to 4pm on Saturday 6 April to join the fun, catch some veg and eat them.
Activities include
- Veg hunt – find the veg hidden in the market
- Games & fun – with a chance to win prizes
- Arts and crafts – decorate your own veg face mask
- Green grocer groaners – collect the terrible veg jokes from stall holders
- Peephole pics – put your face through the cut out for a veg-themed selfie
- Challenge our experts – ask them veg-themed cookery questions
- Poster competition – winning entries from Lambeth schools’ veggie poster competition will be on display
- Veggie bites – free lunch for kids
- Veggie vouchers – vouchers to get free veg to take home and cook
- Veggie party – grand finale party with live music
- Free food from BoxxFresh and great support from Brixton BID and Brixton Market Traders association
For more information
Contact us at publichealth@lambeth.gov.uk