One Day Without Us in Vauxhall Join us in Vauxhall for a Day of Action to celebrate migrants and migration to the UK.
Working to prevent suicide in Lambeth Join us for a discussion on our draft suicide prevention strategy, at the informal Health and Wellbeing Board on 8 February.
International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation Join Africa Advocacy Foundation on the 6 February at Brixton Library for an information drop-in session.
Hitherfield Children’s Centre at Hillside Gardens Parents, staff and children celebrate the launch of new children's centre space in former Hillside Gardens One O'clock Club
Keeping safe from financial abuse FREE community event on Wednesday 6 December 2017 to improve awareness of this issue in Lambeth and help local residents and workers respond to concerns.
Lambeth launches business rates support scheme Lambeth council has become one of the first local authorities in London to launch its business rates support scheme, worth almost £3 million for local businesses this year.
Young parent support group Are you under 25? Need somewhere to offload your problems? The young parenting support group is free and aimed at parents under the age of 25.
Free annual family fun day Join us to celebrate the 4th annual Africa International Day of Action 2017.