Improving the health of people of African and Caribbean descent Join us at the next Health & Wellbeing Board on Thursday 29 June, the focus this session is the health of people of African and Caribbean descent in Lambeth.
New appointment-service for homeowners This is an appointment based service for Lambeth Council homeowners.
Helping community groups and charities get access to funding At a time of rising demand for voluntary and community sector provision we believe it’s crucial that groups have access to good information about sources of funding and support.
Consultation on Redevelopment of Patmos Lodge Come and find out about our plans for redeveloping the Patmos Lodge site - providing much needed housing, vibrant streets and new children’s play areas whilst retaining existing mature...
Chelsea Fringe is back at Nine Elms Chelsea Fringe at Nine Elms will showcase local community events around Vauxhall, Nine Elms and Battersea, where horticulture and gardens have a strong heritage and continue to define the...
Rise of the super-parents We need foster carers to look after our most-in-need children - so if you have a passion for parenting, a spare bedroom and are up for a challenge then...
Apply for free support with local Brixton businesses Are you an individual or community organisation that could use a helping hand? Would you like access to free workshops, mentoring and work experience?
Cycle To Work with Try Before You Bike Paul, a graduate trainee for Lambeth, tells us about his experience of using the Try Before You Bike scheme.