South London: Keeping women safe from harassment and tackling offending Lambeth Council is campaigning against unacceptable male behaviour and is introducing new measures in known harassment hotspots
London Mayor names Vauxhall as new Night Time Enterprise Zone Funding secured to widen the area’s evening entertainment and highlight the important role night time workers and businesses play in our local economy
Renting: Rogue landlord prosecuted by Lambeth Council A council investigation found that more than five individuals were living at the unlicensed property and paying £4,240 a month
Letter: Lambeth calls on the Government to protect vital frontline services Council flags that without significant Government intervention more families will fall into poverty this year
Lambeth: Borough unites to celebrate the real Living Wage Its Living Wage Week and Lambeth Council is celebrating the higher wage which helps tackle poverty pay and has improved the income of thousands of people in the borough
Lambeth: Fruit and Veg on prescription project Participants in the pilot will be able to spend fruit and veg vouchers at shops in West Norwood, Streatham and Brixton Market
Lambeth launches UK first disrepair claim scheme Disrepair claims will be resolved in a quicker and fairer way – and residents will get to keep one hundred per cent of their compensation award
Lambeth: Demonstrating local action during COP27 Since the COP26 summit last year much has been achieved at a local level to meet the huge challenges ahead