All posts in Post Type All posts on Love Lambeth are categorised which can be any one of, news & announcements, council statements and updates, consultations, or opportunities.
Lambeth agrees 2018/19 Budget The budget plans to focus on savings through efficiency, not through cuts and include extra support for some of Lambeth's most vulnerable residents.
Lambeth’s ‘Next Generation’ cultural project wins funding A major cultural project proposal developed as part of Lambeth’s bid to be London’s Borough of Culture, has been awarded one of six Cultural Impact awards from the Mayor...
Planning permission granted for new disability centre in Streatham Hill Planning permission has been granted for a brand new state-of-the-art adult disability centre, short and long-term residential accommodation for adults with profound and learning disabilities, as well as a...
This week: Lambeth families find out where their children will be starting secondary school in September Families who have applied for a place at a Lambeth secondary school for September 2018 will be receiving details of their offer on “National Offer Day”, this Thursday.
Colour Your Common Creating Clapham Common’s new haven for beauty and biodiversity will take money and muscle. Here’s how we can all help.
Herne Hill underpass – looking bright at the end of the tunnel The Aviva Community fund is all about helping communities make a big difference through small changes. In Herne Hill, they’re helping the community make the Underpass safe and welcoming.
Blooming Lambeth “Best individual gardens” award-winners Monty and Diane were both nominated for ‘best individual garden’ by people who see the love and care that goes into their gardens
Holding a Street Party in Lambeth – here’s what you need to know Street Parties are a great way to meet your neighbours and Lambeth Events’ easy new guidance and online application form will help you get the ball rolling.