All posts in Post Type All posts on Love Lambeth are categorised which can be any one of, news & announcements, council statements and updates, consultations, or opportunities.
Businesses support the London Living Wage The new London Living Wage is £10.20 an hour, with employees at more than 65 Lambeth businesses set to benefit, including people working at the Brixton Brewery.
Lambeth Celebrates the London Living Wage The council is joining others in supporting Living Wage Week 2017 which runs from November 5 to November 11.
New quit line helps Lambeth residents kick the habit Smokers in Lambeth who crave a simple and convenient way to kick the habit can now get advice from a new London helpline, which provides personal coaching and support.
Calling all Londoners – Make a ‘Small Change, Big Difference’ to eat healthily and fight food waste Did you know, over half the 900,000 tonnes of food thrown away in London each year is perfectly edible? Wasting it makes no sense either environmentally or economically.
Lambeth presses government to meet fire safety costs Lambeth Council leader Cllr Lib Peck has written again to government calling for a funding commitment to local authorities in order to fund fire safety work following the Grenfell...
Showcasing Community Food Growing in Lambeth Edmundsbury Community Hall is open to everyone on 9 November from 2pm – 3pm for free soup, cake and hot drinks and a short film about community food growing...
Lambeth remembers – Remembrance Sunday 2017 events On Sunday 12 November, there will be a number of events and services held across Lambeth as part of the Remembrance Sunday commemorations, to remember all of those that...
“Every statistic is a personal story” explains Mayor “My personal journey to healthy weight has involved help and support from family, friends and my social media network.”