All posts in Post Type All posts on Love Lambeth are categorised which can be any one of, news & announcements, council statements and updates, consultations, or opportunities.
Free Bereavement support training session for organisations in Lambeth Lambeth Cruse is holding an afternoon training course on 17 November around effectively supporting and sign-posting bereaved people.
Help name Lambeth’s campaign for children and young people Choose a name for Lambeth's new campaign for children's futures. Tell us what you think – complete our short survey - be in with a chance of winning our...
Balmoral Court benefiting from Lambeth Housing Standard upgrades Balmoral Court, a sheltered housing scheme in the south of the borough, has recently received upgrades as part of the £490m Lambeth Housing Standard (LHS) programme
Lambeth Local Plan Review: Your chance to shape Lambeth’s future Our updated Lambeth Local Plan, together with the Mayor of London’s London Plan and neighbourhood plans, will set out the vision and robust planning policies needed to direct and...
‘Meet the emergency services’ day in Windrush Square London Fire Brigade (LFB), London Ambulance Services (LAS), Lambeth Police, Police Horses, Police Cadets and the Territorial Army will all have a stall on Saturday 14 October to give...
Lambeth Council’s Chief Executive resigns Sean Harriss has resigned as the Chief Executive of Lambeth Council following a period of ill-health, it was announced today (Oct 6).
Patmos Lodge redevelopment update Lambeth plans to regenerate the old Patmos Lodge care home site off Cancell Road
Vauxhall Walk update offers Quietway for cyclists The new Vauxhall Walk is part of a partnership with Transport for London (TFL) to deliver the Quietway 5 cycle route (from Waterloo to Norbury) designed for cyclists who...