All posts in Environment We are committed to maintaining a clean and safe environment for everyone in our borough to enjoy. Here you can read about the latest news from our parks, waste, streets, transport and sustainability teams.
Eardley Road Sidings Nature Reserve needs more friends! Located just a 10 minutes’ walk from Streatham Common station, this reserve is teaming with wildlife and you can easily forget that you are in the middle of London....
Fly tipping deterrent trial We're running a trial to decrease fly tipping, by using portable cameras to catch offenders.
A new team of enforcement officers are out on the streets of Lambeth We're cracking down on environmental crimes that spoil the borough and anybody caught will face on-the-spot fines.
Need the key information about the big issues facing Lambeth? Get theBALANCE Have you ever wanted in-depth details of Lambeth's financial position? Or the housing crisis? Or just how the council is spending the borough's money? Start with our enewsletter, theBALANCE.
Our Streets Our Streets is the latest phase of our Neighbourhood Enhancement Programme set up to provide an opportunity for residents to tell us how we can improve streets in their...
Landor Road planting day Chance to get involved in creating an urban orchard along the front of the Fenwick Estate.
Love Lambeth Air Lambeth council, in partnership with Mapping for Change, is providing diffusion tubes to residents and businesses to measure nitrogen dioxide outside their home or office.