All posts in Community Safety Read about how Lambeth council is ensuring our borough is a place where everyone feels safe and welcome. Whether you live, work, or just pass through Lambeth, the council and our community and partners are committed to supporting safe and cohesive communities.
Lambeth Trading Standards tackle price gouging and unsafe PPE Since mid-March Lambeth Trading Standards have been receiving reports from concerned residents of price gouging - businesses inflating prices of everyday goods - and scams.
Lambeth signs pledge to support community groups Lambeth Council, along with a wider group of funders, recognise that the covid-19 outbreak is an exceptional event that will have an impact on civil society groups, and want...
Picking up the pieces in Lambeth parks Lambeth’s Parks team are ready to respond to to protect people and nature in Lambeth park in the face of storms powerful enough to knock down trees.
Have your say on services for residents affected by gender-based violence (Violence Against Women and Girls) What do Lambeth residents, people affected by gender-based violence, and workers in support services think are most important to improve services and support in Lambeth? Fill in the survey...
Extra funding to give survivors of domestic abuse a safe refuge Lambeth Council secures £98,000 government funding for specialist BAME refuges to offer a safe space for survivors of domestic abuse and their children
Lambeth primary school takes the ‘Creative Way’ to cleaner air Crown Lane Primary School audited routes to school using the TfL Healthy Streets index and designed an attractive walking to school route to encourage less car use.
Brixton Liveable Neighbourhood Brixton Liveable Neighbourhood is a multi-million pound programme from Lambeth Council, The Mayor of London and Transport for London (TfL) to improve air quality, road safety and climate. Consultation...
Lambeth’s Trading Standards strike again as knife sellers find themselves in court Lambeth's Trading Standards have recently had several prosecution cases heard in the Magistrate Court that relate to the sale of knives to young people under 18 years old.