All posts in Transport We are responsible for looking after our roads and streets, and promoting the use of sustainable transport in the borough so that we can all make cleaner, healthier choices about how we get around. Read more below for the latest news from our transport teams.
There’s lots going on in Lambeth for Bike Week 2016 In addition to the Midsummer's Dream Bike Ride, we're holding a number of Dr Bike events and a Lambeth Bike Market.
Make cycling a lifestyle! In the midst of the “hottest May in four years”, never has it been a more perfect time to step out the car/bus and hop on your bike. With...
Find your Dr. Bike event! Bring your bike to our team of professional mechanics who will look it over for free and check tyres, brakes, gears and its general roadworthiness. If your bike has...
Get your free bike check with Dr Bike Bring your bike to our team of professional mechanics who will look it over for free and check tyres, brakes, gears and its general roadworthiness.
20mph comes to Lambeth As of Monday 4 April 2016, a new 20mph speed limit will come into effect on all Lambeth controlled roads.
Free bike maintenance training for young people in Lambeth Lambeth’s Sustainable Transport Team has created an opportunity for 16 to 24 year olds who are not currently in education, employment or training to receive up to £1,500 of...
Creating safer roads for all A new road layout on New Park Road, designed to reduce accidents outside Richard Atkins School.
Get on your bike with our free training and support. Lambeth Council is number one for cycle training delivery across London and we still have room to train more people. Learn to ride or improve your confidence with one...