Lights, camera, go!
A brand new West Norwood Library and Cinema is now open providing another fantastic addition to the social and cultural scene of the area. Many schools have already visited the Library and author David Walliams has recently checked in West Norwood to launch the new library card name.
Enterprising Lambeth
London’s biggest affordable workspace is now open in Brixton providing the space and opportunity for London’s most forward thinking businesses.
Brixton Bid goes ahead
Over 80% of businesses opted to keep the Brixton BID which will mainly be funded through a levy from local firms.
Love for cycling
Festive Lights ride 2018. On Sunday 16 December at 3.30 pm all cyclists will meet at Clapham Old Town. Under 16s go free.
If you have never tried a bike, why not Try before you Bike our scheme helping people experience the freedom of cycling.
If you think you can’t cycle, contact Wheels for Wellbeing the award-winning charity for all ages and all abilities – and you will find out that you actually can!
Tough choices
With the money we get from central government still dwindling, the council will have to work out where to make more spending cuts. We’ve launched a series of consultations. Watch the video explaining our plans and Have your say.