Brixton Brewery – an accredited London Living Wage employer The Brixton Brewery has come a long way but has remained committed to being a London Living Wage employer throughout its short but eventful life.
All Sewn Up ‘All Sewn Up’ courses teach people soft furnishing and textiles skills in a supportive multi-cultural environment that also weaves the threads of lives together.
Local lad makes good with Workwise Workwise is a partnership between Lambeth Council and St Mungo’s that aims to help some residents at risk of homelessness find work. Lionel brings local knowledge to the role...
Lambeth Crowdfund helps Brixton Windmill raise all the dough it needs Brixton Windmill’s successful community fundraising campaign will pay for a new education centre – and met the target for the maximum financial contribution from the council’s Crowdfund Lambeth programme.
Your Big-Idea 2016 Young people from Lambeth, who have always dreamt of starting their own business, were given the opportunity to win start-up funding and the support of an experienced mentor.
Funding boost for growing food, skills and businesses at Loughborough Farm Loughborough Farm will soon be growing new businesses as well as fresh fruit and veg thanks to an award of over £1.6 million from the Mayor of London’s London...
theBALANCE 10 – Aug 2015 theBALANCE is Lambeth’s enewsletter, dedicated to highlighting Council activities and campaigns – and how Lambeth works to spend every penny of its budget effectively. Issue 10 is out now.