Lambeth on track to become a child-friendly borough In a recent review, Lambeth Council’s Child Friendly programme received praise for its work to date and recommendations as it continues its journey towards becoming a UNICEF Child Friendly...
Lambeth: New children and young people commissioner appointed Lambeth Council has appointed Jim Gamble QPM as the borough’s first Independent Safeguarding Children and Young People’s Commissioner.
Lambeth aims to reduce permanent exclusions to zero. To reduce exclusions and suspensions Lambeth is increasing the support available to schools.
Putting health and wellbeing at the heart of Lambeth’s future Priorities set out in the 2023-28 Health and Wellbeing Strategy for Lambeth include giving children the best start in life, supporting people to lead healthy lives, and supporting communities.
Have your say on a new NHS and Lambeth All-Age Autism Strategy Lambeth Council and South East London NHS want autistic people of all ages, carers and experts to have a say on what should go into a new long-term strategy...
Keeping Children safe when doing after school activities The government is offering important guidance to parents and carers who want to find and choose the best and safest clubs, teaching and places for children out of school.
Child Friendly Lambeth to hold fun-filled event for children and young people in Windrush Square Child Friendly Lambeth are holding a fun-filled and exciting event aimed at children and young people in Windrush Square, Brixton, 12-5 pm on 19th March!
National Offer Day 2022: Lambeth secondary schools offer a place to every child New figures have revealed that for the tenth year running, every child in Lambeth whose application was on time, has received an offer of a secondary school place.