Lambeth confirms new top team following General Election Lambeth Council has reshuffled its Cabinet after one of its most senior members was elected to parliament at the General Election in July.
London Mural Festival kicks off in Lambeth The London Mural Festival which has been launched in Lambeth will see new street art created at estates across the borough
Lambeth secures heart and circulatory system disease prevention pilots Workplace health checks are part of a new health initiative to raise awareness and take action on preventable illnesses
Saving social housing: New report sets out need for urgent action A new report called Securing the Future of Council Housing set out how to fix the country's broken social housing system
Lambeth launches new licensing scheme to boost housing quality Lambeth Council has launched its new property licensing scheme, designed to tackle rogue landlords and improve conditions for people living in private rented accommodation in parts of the borough.
Lambeth: Helping our students with their careers Lambeth secondary schools and colleges are teaming up with employers in a refreshed initiative to bring new career opportunities to our students.
Lambeth: New ‘No Need To Stress, Your Black Bin Needs Less’ campaign to boost recycling ‘No Need To Stress, Your Black Bin Needs Less’ features practical, interactive information on how to recycle more, as well as mobile phone game, the Recycle Rumble
Bringing history to life with Lambeth’s Heritage Festival Find more than 80 walks, talks, art exhibitions and more to celebrate Shakespeare in Lambeth and the people and places that make up Lambeth’s history and heritage.