[UPDATE] Streatham: Emergency Thames Water repairs completed Thames Water is carrying out emergency works in Leigham Court Road, Streatham this week between the junction near Streatham Hill Station and Leigham Vale Road.
Lambeth: Strengthening the community through the Cost of Living Crisis Forty five grassroots organisations in Lambeth have successfully bid for funding from a £250,000 council small grants scheme
Making Lambeth a Living Wage Place Lambeth is taking a place-based approach to tackling in-work poverty and the cost of living crisis by working to become a borough where no-one is paid less than London...
Food Programme focuses on fruit and veg vouchers in Lambeth Lambeth’s voucher scheme to get people eating fruit and veg for health reaches a national audience.
Recycle Week 2023: Join Lambeth in ‘The Big Recycling Hunt’ During Recycle Week 2023, residents are being encouraged to embrace recycling to help the environment and build a cleaner, greener Lambeth.
Lambeth launches Civic Awards 2024 Lambeth Council is asking residents to nominate their local heroes for their Civic Awards, which aim to recognise the incredible work that Lambeth’s community does to help others.
Lambeth: Statement on the violence in the Middle East Lambeth Council has released a statement in relation to the ongoing violence in the Middle East
Lambeth over-50s celebrate ageing well Lambeth plans to become a lifelong borough – creating the best conditions to grow up and age well. Ageing Well Festival set out some of the aims.