Primary school development deal saves council £8m Hundreds of new primary school places are being created thanks to a landmark agreement between Lambeth Council and developers Mount Anvil and A2Dominion.
Film about rescuing 100-year old movies ‘perfect’ Cinema Museum fundraiser The Cinema Museum presents a fund-raising screening of Saving Brinton (2017), a documentary about Iowa teacher Michael Zahs, who discovers the films that introduced the movies to the USA....
London’s biggest affordable workspace now open in Brixton Lambeth Council has prioritised using its land and buildings to provide affordable workspace for new and existing local businesses. The first new local, growing businesses have just moved into...
Millennium Community Services charity launches new training at GLOWS Older people, disabled people and people speaking English as a second language have the most to gain from using IT – and Millennium Community Services offers free workshops to...
Lambeth Council invests £30million in housing for the homeless The Real Lettings Property Fund spends money on homes in London for people affected by homelessness, helping them move on with their lives and into independent living. Lambeth...
Council leader demands fair compensation for residents who were ‘failed by Thames Water’ Thames Water set up a compensation scheme for residents left without water in March. Now, with reports of residents unable to receive compensation, Lambeth Council leader, Cllr Lib...
Lambeth Black History Month October 2018 Find out more about what events Lambeth Libraries and Black Cultural Archives are putting on to celebrate Black History Month in October.
Council Chief Executive addresses issues raised by the Lambeth “People’s Audit” Lambeth Council’s Chief Executive, Andrew Travers, has replied in writing to the Lambeth “People’s Audit” group to address a series of claims and questions they have posed.