We all need to act now to avoid higher restrictions before Christmas The leader of Lambeth council, Cllr Jack Hopkins, has urged residents to help stop the spread of Covid-19 after an alarming rise in cases
Lambeth: Commitment to making young people safe The council's public health approach to tackling violence affecting young people reaches important milestone with launch of 10-year partnership strategy
New report names Lambeth parks as best in London The Good Parks for London report saw Lambeth top ranked out of all 32 councils in the capital
A message from Cllr Jack Hopkins, the Leader of Lambeth Council London will be placed under the new Tier 2 restrictions from next Wednesday when the national lockdown ends
Lambeth: Housing maintenance revamp to secure local benefits The council has set out plans to relaunch part of its housing repair and maintenance service by bringing the work back in-house
Lambeth Council pledges to renew Armed Forces Covenant in 2021 Lambeth council has announced that it will be seeking to renew the Armed Forces Covenant in 2021 on Armistice Day 2020
Lambeth: Living Wage celebrated Ongoing efforts to tackle low wages in Lambeth highlighted during national Living Wage Week as new London Living Wage rate rises to £10.85 per hour
Lambeth: Unlocking young people’s potential The UNLOCK course has helped young people find new opportunities and to boost their education and skills amid the pandemic