All posts in Council statements and updates Our press releases and information about major announcements or events in Lambeth.
Lambeth’s healthy weight services are changing In partnership with the Lambeth Clinical Commissioning Group, we have developed proposals to change healthy weight services in the borough.
Rogue landlord fined £10,000 for running an unsafe and unlicensed property A landlord has been fined £10,000 for operating an unlicensed and unsafe house with multiple tenants.
Council pays tribute following the death of Councillor Matt Parr With great sadness, Lambeth Council announces the death of Councillor Matt Parr. He was 61.
High-quality temporary homes to help tackle Lambeth’s housing crisis Lambeth is planning to build temporary homes on underused plots of land to help tackle the borough’s housing and homelessness problem.
Lambeth publishes responses to voters’ inquiries about the council’s accounts Lambeth has published the responses to questions from voters who took the opportunity to inspect the council’s accounts this year.
Businesses fined thousands for selling knives to underage customers Lambeth Trading Standards officers have successfully brought prosecutions against two shops caught selling knives to children.
Screening unites Lambeth’s Children’s Services workforce Over 200 professionals from Lambeth came together at an event which looked at the science of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and the detrimental impact that toxic stress can have...
Facing up to the financial challenge Lambeth Council will have to grow its own income to look after vulnerable people in the borough, according to Councillor Andy Wilson, Lambeth’s Cabinet Member for Finance.