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Statement: Response to incorrect media claims about pay arrangements Lambeth Council responds to inaccurate reporting of pay arrangements for senior workers at Lambeth Council.
Lambeth offers a primary school place to every child Lambeth offers a reception class place to every child who applied
No Vote, no Say – register to vote in May’s Council elections To vote in the Borough Council Elections on Thursday 3 May 2018 you must be registered.
Water bosses condemned over Streatham leak chaos Overview and Scrutiny Committee criticises water company over its response to the leaks in Streatham
Electric road sweeping vehicles to keep Lambeth clean Lambeth Council is investing £600,000 in new zero-emission electric road sweeping vehicles, helping keep the streets clean while improving the borough's air quality.
Launch of Our Children, Our Future Lambeth’s strategy for children and young people over the next five years was launched today with a pledge to make the borough one of the best places in the...