All posts in News and announcements The latest news and announcements from Lambeth council and our partners.
Clapham: extra testing after localised rise in Covid-19 cases People living, working or studying in the Clapham area are being encouraged to have a Covid-19 PCR test
Voluntary groups can apply for part of £120,000 digital funding Lambeth Council's 'End the Digital Divide' crowdfunder aims to provide thousands of school-age young people access to laptops and broadband
Lambeth to hold its first Citizens’ Assembly on Climate Change Lambeth residents can help shape the council's response to the climate emergency by taking part in the borough’s first-ever Citizens' Assembly
Landlord to pay £18,500 over unlicensed HMO An investigation by Lambeth Council’s Environmental Health Team found a landlord had committed a breach of the Housing Act 2004 by failing to register as an HMO
Designers announced for important Brixton community centre Lambeth Council has announced the winning design team after a competition to draw up new plans to secure the future for Brixton’s important Lloyd Leon Community Centre (LLCC).
Lambeth: Free online zoom event for Spanish speakers Lambeth’s Spanish-speaking residents have been invited to an online event about Covid-19, vaccines and access to healthcare
Helping young people from diverse backgrounds break into creative careers Lambeth is working to encourage and develop opportunities in areas of work that are both well paid and expected to expand over the coming years
Lambeth: Council Leader announces decision to stand down Cllr Jack Hopkins has said he believes now is the time to hand over the reins to a new leader of the council