All posts in News and announcements The latest news and announcements from Lambeth council and our partners.
Minutes silence to remember Sarah Everard & other women whose lives were tragically taken due to violence from men Lambeth council will be holding a minutes silence and Lambeth Town Hall will be lit orange in their memory
Lambeth public health specialist says getting jab was “first step to reclaiming my life” A staff member from Lambeth Council's public health team has shared his experience of receiving his Covid-19 vaccination.
Streatham mosque opens its doors to support COVID-19 vaccinations in the community Councillor Jack Hopkins, the Leader of Lambeth Council, joined a community vaccination session in Streatham
Lambeth residents can cut emissions and save money with solar panels Solar Together London can support homeowners to reduce their household’s carbon emissions, gain energy independence and save money on electricity bills.
Lambeth: Blue badge fraudster convicted Lambeth Council takes a zero tolerance approach to blue badge fraud because it negatively impacts on our disabled residents
Lambeth Council statement: Clapham vigil Lambeth Council shares the deep concern expressed by the women and allies who joined the vigil for Sarah Everard
Are you missing out on free childcare? Some families with two-year olds and all families with three and four-year olds can claim up to 15 hours a week of free registered childcare. Many working parents of...
LAMBETH: Get a free rapid Covid-19 test now to help stop the spread The tests should be taken weekly by people with no Covid-19 symptoms - as 1 in 3 people are asymptomatic