All posts in Post Type All posts on Love Lambeth are categorised which can be any one of, news & announcements, council statements and updates, consultations, or opportunities.
Low Traffic Neighbourhood consultation set to start with new exemptions proposed The first two consultations on Lambeth's emergency Low Traffic Neighbourhoods will start on Monday, with new exemptions among the proposals
Lambeth leisure centre vouchers for vaccinated under-30s Vaccinated under-30s can get a £10 voucher towards any membership at a Better-operated Lambeth leisure facility, and a three-day free pass to leisure centres or gyms
Lambeth: Clapham Common events delivering benefits for the borough Clapham Common will host three live shows over the August Bank Holiday weekend as the borough bounces back from Covid-19 restrictions
South London: Reducing drug harm in the community Following a national warning of a sharp rise in the number of drug overdoses, an alert to has been issued to all local public health teams and drug services
Lambeth: Summer of Food and Fun is a big hit Successful holiday programme for children and young people has been packed with exciting activities, all served-up with plenty of healthy eating
Volunteers wanted for Education Admission Appeal Panels The council's Democratic Services team is seeking volunteers to come forward by the end of the month, with training and travel costs offered to participants
Lambeth to launch Low Traffic Neighbourhoods consultation Lambeth Council has announced the start of its Low Traffic Neighbourhood (LTNs) consultation programme where residents can have their say.
Lambeth: Zero tolerance over LTN vandalism Two arrests follow Lambeth Council's new measures to tackle criminal vandalism at the emergency Low Traffic Neighbourhood schemes