All posts in Post Type All posts on Love Lambeth are categorised which can be any one of, news & announcements, council statements and updates, consultations, or opportunities.
Lambeth’s new housing repairs teams start work The teams carrying out repairs at Lambeth Council homes and housing estates have changed from today, Monday 12 July.
Lambeth children set for Summer of Food and Fun A million pound investment in summer activities for young people is being made by Lambeth Council this year
Lambeth Country Show: enter our flower and veg competitions now! There's still time to enter our Virtual Flower Show, Vegetable Sculpture Show, Recycled Garden event and Scarecrow of the Year Competitions before next weekend's big virtual Lambeth Country Show...
Lambeth Council updates on financial position Unprecedented challenges following the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic will continue to affect Lambeth Council in the short and medium term a report to senior councillors has revealed.
Lambeth’s Climate Assembly reaches the final stages After learning about the climate crisis and possible pathways to net zero, Climate Assembly members heard from inspiring organisations on their doorsteps in Lambeth.
Statement: High Court rejects challenge to Lambeth’s Low Traffic Neighbourhoods A High Court judge has rejected a legal challenge to Lambeth’s “Low Traffic Neighbourhoods” (LTNs), in a judgement published today (28 June). Below is the council’s response to the...
Lambeth: Building trust in the police among Black communities Lambeth Youth Safety Forum public meeting on June 30 to discuss Policing: Trust and Confidence and Black Communities
Lambeth: Covid-19 testing and vaccination push to beat the Delta variant Cases have risen by 50 per cent since the start of June with data suggesting more than over 90 percent of cases are linked to the Delta variant