All posts in Post Type All posts on Love Lambeth are categorised which can be any one of, news & announcements, council statements and updates, consultations, or opportunities.
Vote at the Mayor of London and London Assembly (GLA) elections in May On Thursday 6 May, elections will take place to elect the Mayor of London and London Assembly
International Women’s Day at Lambeth Libraries Lambeth Libraries’ International Women’s Day celebrations include talks from writers on the woman that changed British legal history, women’s part in Caribbean rebellion, and a modern Ghanaian love story.
Lambeth: Helping residents through the pandemic IncomeMax support for residents has been helping those in Lambeth financially hardest hit by he Covid-19 crisis
Lambeth Council supports International Women’s Day International Women's Day is on 8 March, and Lambeth Council's staff Women's Forum is running a range of events to celebrate, raise awareness and also pledge how they 'Choose...
Lambeth: Muslim community leaders vaccination message Sharing message that the vaccine is safe and has been rigorously tested. It does not contain any animal products and is Halal
Lambeth’s much-loved Cinema Museum wins Art Fund grant Art Fund’s Respond & Reimagine programme has awarded grants to museums to help them adapt and thrive to the crisis with creativity and imagination. Lambeth’s Cinema Museum is one...
Lambeth Council takes over local test and trace The new "Local 0" scheme will mean residents who have tested positive for Covid-19 will be contacted by a local contact tracer instead of NHS Test and Trace
Thank Lambeth Women for IWD21 International Women's Day takes place on 8 March and we're celebrating inspirational women in our borough who make us Love Lambeth, by sharing a kind message about them on...