All posts in Post Type All posts on Love Lambeth are categorised which can be any one of, news & announcements, council statements and updates, consultations, or opportunities.
New long-term plan for important Brixton adventure playground Lambeth council is set to sign a 10-year lease on Dexter Adventure Playground in Brixton to ensure its future in serving the local community.
Schools in Lambeth get serious about air quality A number of schools in Lambeth have been running anti-idling events to raise awareness of air pollution and encourage parents to switch off their vehicles when stationary. Hitherfield Primary...
Lambeth Council supports the ‘Stamp It Out’ Illegal Tobacco Awareness Campaign We're supporting the 'Stamp It Out' campaign to help tackle illegal tobacco sales and its consumption in our community and increase awareness of its harm. Join us on 29...
Clean Air Villages project reduces air pollution in Lambeth Clean Air Villages is a project funded by Defra which aims to reduce emissions in air quality hotspots across London, by making business deliveries and servicing more efficient. The...
Student grants for Lambeth residents If you’re starting work, further education or university in September, you can apply for a grant from the Walcot Foundation - Lambeth's biggest funder - now to help with...
Lambeth off-licence bosses sentenced for selling alcohol to a 15-year-old The owner and supervisor of an off-licence in Streatham have been fined thousands of pounds for selling a bottle of wine to a 15 year old during a test...
Homes for Lambeth awarded London Living Wage accreditation Lambeth Council’s house builder Homes for Lambeth (HfL) has become a fully accredited Living Wage employer, pledging to pay all its staff a fair wage that reflects their efforts...
South Bank Business Improvement District renewed with overwhelming support from the community Businesses and organisations in London’s South Bank have voted with a resounding majority in favour of renewing South Bank Business Improvement District (BID) for a further five years.