All posts in Post Type All posts on Love Lambeth are categorised which can be any one of, news & announcements, council statements and updates, consultations, or opportunities.
Eat.Pace.Plan. For a great night out, think three wise things Lambeth backs a London-wide “three wise things” campaign to help you enjoy the party season and get safe home: eat before you go, pace your drinks and plan transport.
Application to re-designate South Bank and Waterloo Neighbours Neighbourhood Forum Have your say on the application to re-designate the South Bank and Waterloo Neighbours Neighbourhood Forum
Keeping Lambeth’s young people safe Lambeth Council is determined to work alongside the community, its partner organisations and the third sector to tackle the long-term social issues that result in serious youth violence.
Christmas Lights switch-on in Lambeth The Mayor of Lambeth switches on the lights to welcome Christmas to Brixton and Clapham on Friday, while Night Czar Amy Lame switches on Vauxhall on Monday.
Lambeth marks the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women Taking place this Sunday 25 November the day aims to raise awareness of the fact that women in Lambeth and around the world are disproportionately subject to sexual violence,...
Lambeth’s Budget: Protecting our priorities Lambeth is putting together its plans for funding our most vital services in the coming years. But, with the money we get from central government still dwindling, we’ll also...
London Community Fund – apply now for a wellbeing grant The current round of applications for Lambeth Community Fund grants to support projects on four main themes that improve people’s wellbeing closes on 20 December.
Lambeth tops London rankings for action to address food poverty The annual Beyond the Food Bank report, now in its 4th year, monitors what London boroughs are doing to avert or ease food poverty for their residents – and...