All posts in Post Type All posts on Love Lambeth are categorised which can be any one of, news & announcements, council statements and updates, consultations, or opportunities.
Lambeth leading the way in supporting start-up businesses Lambeth Council has been recognised by a national award scheme for its work on supporting enterprise and business start-ups.
Council tenant sentenced after sub-letting fraud A Lambeth Council tenant has been given a six-month prison sentence after subletting his council house while claiming benefits elsewhere in the country.
Have your say on the draft sexual and reproductive health strategy We want to hear your views on the sexual and reproductive health strategy consultation.
Say what you need to help change and improve the NHS The NHS is 70 years old and has launched a public consultation into making long-term plans for the future and what will change with guaranteed funds in the next...
Read Autumn’s Lambeth talk New plans for a creative new school year, fantastic local festivals and a unique sense of a very supportive community –this is Lambeth in autumn!
Funding for Disability Employment Projects – Round 2 Round 2 of the Lambeth European Social Fund (ESF) and Community Employment Programme will provide £85,000 in grants to help Lambeth residents with a disability or long-term health condition...
The future for Brixton’s Street Markets – Strategy published The Brixton Street Market Masterplan & Action Plan was commissioned to identify key opportunities to continue improving the street markets... More »
Ovalhouse presents Brixton City Festival 2018 London’s newest staycation weekender, Brixton City Festival, is in its third year and promises to be bigger and better than ever this weekend.