All posts in Post Type All posts on Love Lambeth are categorised which can be any one of, news & announcements, council statements and updates, consultations, or opportunities.
Fire Cadets are coming to Norwood In September 2018 Lambeth will see the opening of a Fire Cadets youth engagement programme offering young people aged 14-17 the opportunity to gain a credible BTEC Level 2...
Lambeth Parking and Garages Team win top Housing award Tpas, the tenant engagement experts who support landlords and tenants across the UK, host annual awards including Excellence in Community Action, Excellence in Tenant Engagement, Community Focused Service/Product of...
Getting closer to help you quit smoking Lambeth Council and local GPS, pharmacies, and hospital trusts this month launched new localised stop smoking hubs to get help to people who need it most.
“Help us get plastic out of the food chain” says Street Champion Plastic never goes away – just becomes smaller and smaller fragments in the environment. Five simple solutions can help can make a positive contribution.
Put your community garden on the Incredible Edible map Maps are a great way to find out who in your community shares an interest – like gardening. Put yourself on the Incredible Edible gardens map .
Bike It – You Can Too Learn to cycle (or relearn as a grown-up) and - as well as getting healthy exercise - you could get a discount of a new bike.
Community partnership turns huts into GLOWS How a business proposition from local people created a powerful partnership of people for change – as well as opportunities for new businesses in Tulse Hill.