All posts in Post Type All posts on Love Lambeth are categorised which can be any one of, news & announcements, council statements and updates, consultations, or opportunities.
Interactive event to help improve LGBT+ health in Lambeth We will try a whole system approach with the aim of improving LGBT+ experiences of our local health and mental wellbeing services.
Government urged to tackle ‘crack cocaine of gambling’ Lambeth Council has urged the Government to take action on Fixed Odds Betting Terminals - known as the ‘crack cocaine of gambling’.
Blooming Lambeth Brockwell Park Community Greenhouses Brockwell Park provides a space to garden, a beautiful setting for visitors to enjoy and a rich wildlife and horticultural resource for many educational activities.
Statement on the Mayor’s ‘Good Practice Guide to Estate Regeneration’ Lambeth council has welcomed the Mayor’s ‘Good Practice Guide to Estate Regeneration’ which reflects his ongoing commitment to delivering more social housing in partnership with London boroughs like Lambeth.
Working to prevent suicide in Lambeth Join us for a discussion on our draft suicide prevention strategy, at the informal Health and Wellbeing Board on 8 February.
Secret Lambeth Walks Back by popular demand, Secret Lambeth walks around the borough which will take you to some of Lambeth’s finest public realm improvement schemes of recent years.
Brockwell Park summer events decision Following a period of engagement Lambeth council concluded that two new major commercial events and the free Lambeth Country Show at Brockwell Park this summer would present too much...
Lambeth planning to give care leavers a Council Tax boost Hundreds of young people leaving care in Lambeth will be exempted from paying Council Tax until they are 25, under council plans to help give them the most stable...