All posts in Post Type All posts on Love Lambeth are categorised which can be any one of, news & announcements, council statements and updates, consultations, or opportunities.
Rapport festival needs you Rapport Festival is a brand new arts festival that has been created to redefine the artistic and cultural landscape of the UK. The festival will take place in Brixton...
Read Summer’s Lambeth Talk Every summer in Lambeth we enjoy our parks and open spaces with local festivals across the borough. Lambeth talk invites us to meet up, share and celebrate our community.
Come along to Lambeth’s SEND events to have your say! Lambeth’s Special Educational Needs and Disabilities service have a number of events planned throughout the year to share information about services and discuss topics relevant to you as a...
Improving the health of people of African and Caribbean descent Join us at the next Health & Wellbeing Board on Thursday 29 June, the focus this session is the health of people of African and Caribbean descent in Lambeth.
New appointment-service for homeowners This is an appointment based service for Lambeth Council homeowners.
Events money made available for the community EventLambeth is allocating money derived from commercial events income to local residents to enable them to host their own community events.
Mayor’s charities: Carers4Carers Carers4Carers is a social enterprise run by carers for carers. Mayor of Lambeth, Cllr Marcia Cameron, chose to support them during her term in office. Find out who they...
Mayor’s charities: Oasis Hub Youth Oasis Hub Youth is an umbrella of projects and programmes for young people in North Lambeth. Mayor of Lambeth, Cllr Marcia Cameron, has chosen to support them during her...