All posts in Post Type All posts on Love Lambeth are categorised which can be any one of, news & announcements, council statements and updates, consultations, or opportunities.
Bike It You Can Too! Lambeth council have teamed up with Sustrans to put on free courses to help women who have either never cycled before or have not done so for a long...
Volunteer fair at West Norwood Lambeth Property Services organised and delivered a successful Community Volunteer Fair at West Norwood where over 100 people were counted coming to see what they could do to help...
Lambeth calls on ministers to honour commitment to house lone refugee children Lambeth Council is demanding an immediate U-turn on a Government decision to abandon a commitment to provide homes for thousands of refugee children.
Help Plant a Community Orchard Would you like to help us to create a community orchard in the heart of Brixton?
Oval and Prince’s wards: have your say before 24 February Consultation about residents priorities for Oval & Prince’s wards. Please complete the short online survey by 24 February.
Under pressure Social Care needs a proper solution The crisis in Adult Social Care is extremely worrying as many of the people who rely on those services are some of the most vulnerable in our society.
Ready to let: Lambeth’s first new council homes for a decade Lambeth has combined a historic building with state-of-the-art design to deliver the first directly-delivered council homes built in the borough for 10 years.
Sheds available for rent We are looking to let out the sheds on our estates. Sheds are big enough to store bikes and other items and are now going at a rate of...