All posts in Post Type All posts on Love Lambeth are categorised which can be any one of, news & announcements, council statements and updates, consultations, or opportunities.
Health and Wellbeing Forum – June 2016 The H&W Forum brings together statutory, voluntary and community sector organisations working in Lambeth to focus on developing the sector, and agreeing what support is needed.
Do you live, work or visit Stockwell, Vassall, Larkhall wards? Tell us your priorities for your streets, open spaces and places
Read May’s Lambeth talk Lambeth talk is our monthly magazine that comes free to your door bringing news, features about local people, creative ideas from our community and a guide to interesting events...
Lambeth Stroke Choir’s Crowdfunding Campaign Singing is so good for people recovering from stroke. Our choir has been enjoying meeting, socialising and singing for a few years and we need funds to keep going!
Lambeth Gets #Back2Business Have you ever thought of starting your own business but didn’t believe you could make it? Read about how Lambeth Council supports breadwinners and Rising 50s to create the...
Get composting today! London Borough of Lambeth Council has teamed up with to provide reduced priced environmental products such as home compost bins, water butts and more.
Keep London Connected After 25 years of supporting people with mental health support needs and learning disabilities, Certitude are launching their first ever fundraising campaign to fight social isolation.
Get composting for healthier soil Food peelings and leftovers are a valuable resource - don’t waste them!