All posts in Post Type All posts on Love Lambeth are categorised which can be any one of, news & announcements, council statements and updates, consultations, or opportunities.
Lambeth: Illegal sublet of council flat results in prosecution Investigation carried out by Lambeth Council’s Counter Fraud team results in conviction for of three offences in relation to illegally subletting a Lambeth property
National Offer Day 2022: Lambeth secondary schools offer a place to every child New figures have revealed that for the tenth year running, every child in Lambeth whose application was on time, has received an offer of a secondary school place.
Silver award for Lambeth LGBTQ+ inclusion at work LGBTQ+ equality charity Stonewall’s Bring Yourself to Work campaign highlights the importance of inclusive work environments – and Lambeth is included as a Diversity Champion with a Silver Employer...
Training for residents at new south London green skills academy Free skills training for unemployed and low-income residents will be made available through a brand new green academy
Website for Lambeth Childminders goes live We've launched a new website to support our excellent community of Childminders. The website offers easy access to useful information, all in one place.
It’s official: Lambeth residents are inner London’s best recyclers Improving recycling rate goes to show that Lambeth residents’ efforts to be smarter about what they throw away are paying off
Development partner agreed for Growing Brixton Rec Quarter Lambeth Council’s Cabinet approved the decision for London Square to be its preferred development partner for the Growing Brixton Rec Quarter project to bring new affordable homes, workspace, jobs...
Lambeth success in preventing homelessness Latest figures show the scale of the homelessness problem in Lambeth, and the council's success in preventing households from losing their home