All posts in Arts, culture and events Read about the latest opportunities to watch, perform or support Lambeth’s world-class arts, culture and events. We are home to hundreds of brilliant venues, creative spaces and the thousands of people who work in them.
Lambeth Clean Air Week 2018 Following on from the success of last year, we are celebrating Lambeth Clean Air Week 2018 week commencing 18 June 2018.
Free seedlings (and more) for Lambeth food growers This spring, contact Myatt’s Fields for free vegetable plants for community groups and gardens – and plans for how to get the most from them.
Herne Hill underpass – looking bright at the end of the tunnel The Aviva Community fund is all about helping communities make a big difference through small changes. In Herne Hill, they’re helping the community make the Underpass safe and welcoming.
Holding a Street Party in Lambeth – here’s what you need to know Street Parties are a great way to meet your neighbours and Lambeth Events’ easy new guidance and online application form will help you get the ball rolling.
Represent for Team Lambeth in the 2018 Virgin Giving Mini London Marathon We’re looking for young people aged 11 to 17 to run for Lambeth in the 2018 Virgin Giving Mini London Marathon.
Blooming Lambeth St Gabriel’s College St Gabriel’s College won a ‘Blooming Lambeth’ innovation prize for their mobile garden - moving from place to place while school building works went on
Asking for a Windrush commemoration The arrival of the MV Windrush in 1948 is an icon of an inclusive Britain – people in Lambeth are asking for a simple symbol of recognition.