All posts in Arts, culture and events Read about the latest opportunities to watch, perform or support Lambeth’s world-class arts, culture and events. We are home to hundreds of brilliant venues, creative spaces and the thousands of people who work in them.
Lambeth Community Event for dementia awareness As part of Dementia Awareness Week (14-20 May) your local Alzheimer's Society branch is organising a FREE event for the community to come together and join us for a...
Lambeth young people’s Book of the Year 2017 announced Boy X voted young people's favourite book of 2017 at the Lambeth Phoenix Book Awards held at The Norwood School.
Short plays for dementia 'Found in Translation' is a series of short plays for dementia created through workshops with patients. They will be presented on stage for the first time on 12 May...
Launch of the Vauxhall Cinema Club Bringing the world to Vauxhall through a unique pop-up cinema experience
Let’s go green in Lambeth schools Students who take a lead on environmental projects develop all kinds of skills such as communication, leadership and teamwork that colleges want and that employers are looking for...
German car factory rolls out the red carpet for Lambeth young people Last month, High Trees Community Development Trust took a group of Lambeth young people on an all-expenses paid two-day trip to Stuttgart, Germany as the guests of Daimler Mercedes.
Hearts in Africa Art4Space will be hosting a fundraising auction of mosaics and a spring fete on 20 May at their community art centre in Stockwell for their project Hearts in Africa.
Lambeth Readers and Writers Festival 2017 The 2017 festival is here with another month-long programme of inspirational literary events to enjoy across Lambeth.