All posts in Environment We are committed to maintaining a clean and safe environment for everyone in our borough to enjoy. Here you can read about the latest news from our parks, waste, streets, transport and sustainability teams.
Lambeth celebrates Earth Hour 2020 Earth Hour 2020 falls on Saturday 28 March, engaging the world to display a visual commitment to tackling climate change. Lambeth Council encourages residents to switch off this weekend...
Lambeth continues to lead the way in fossil fuel divestment Lambeth council has taken a major step towards its goal of divesting its pension fund from fossil fuels, by successfully moving another £200m into fossil fuel-free investments. This builds...
Read Spring’s Lambeth talk With an amazing illustration depicting our collaborative work to tackle serious youth violence in Lambeth created by Dr Pen Mendonca, Spring’s edition brings news and opportunities to give to...
Blooming Lambeth Awards 2020 – Call for Entries Incredible Edible Lambeth is hosting the annual Lambeth-wide Blooming Lambeth Awards to celebrate achievements in gardening. The Awards are supported by Lambeth Council.
Picking up the pieces in Lambeth parks Lambeth’s Parks team are ready to respond to to protect people and nature in Lambeth park in the face of storms powerful enough to knock down trees.
Waterloo: Improving walking and cycling while cutting emissions A new £1million segregated cycle highway scheme, funded by Transport for London (TfL), is close to completion in Waterloo as Lambeth Council and TfL work together on improving the...
Lambeth primary school takes the ‘Creative Way’ to cleaner air Crown Lane Primary School audited routes to school using the TfL Healthy Streets index and designed an attractive walking to school route to encourage less car use.
Brixton Liveable Neighbourhood Brixton Liveable Neighbourhood is a multi-million pound programme from Lambeth Council, The Mayor of London and Transport for London (TfL) to improve air quality, road safety and climate. Consultation...