All posts in Topic area All posts on Love Lambeth are categorised by one or more topics – which help to explain what the post is about. They include things like: ‘arts, culture and events’, ‘community safety’ and ‘transport’.
Cllr Jack Hopkins, Lambeth council leader – Statement following murder in Brixton The leader of Lambeth Council Cllr Jack Hopkins' response to the senseless death of a young man in our community
Lambeth welcomes LGBT+ foster carers Lambeth Council's in-house fostering service are hosting an information session on Thursday 7 March to invite anyone interested in fostering - in particular those from LGBT backgrounds - to...
Lambeth Street Parties Get your questions answered on how to hold a street party in Lambeth and apply online with the updated council form.
Drama brings 50+ men together for better mental health Isolation and loneliness – especially among older people – can damage health and wellbeing. Local actor and theatre teacher invites Lambeth men aged 50+ to change that.
£4 million for improving Lambeth young lives Mursell Community Hall’s grand re-opening on 21 Feb is part of Lambeth Early Action Partnership (LEAP)’s programme to rebuild and refurbish buildings for young families
Lambeth Council calls for well-resourced ESOL to help communities English as a second language (ESOL) is an essential part of the Mayor of London’s ‘Skills for Londoners’ strategy – Lambeth also sees ESOL education as a way to...
Mayor of Lambeth celebrates Gay Times Tango In 1975 South London Gay Liberation Front organised a Gay Times Tango in support of the Gay Times Festival. February 2019 and the Mayor of Lambeth, Christopher Wellbelove, is...
Refill, not landfill The Zoological Society of London’s #OneLess campaign and the Mayor of London have chosen 28 sites across London where water fountains for refillable bottles can make a difference to...