All posts in Transport We are responsible for looking after our roads and streets, and promoting the use of sustainable transport in the borough so that we can all make cleaner, healthier choices about how we get around. Read more below for the latest news from our transport teams.
Car Free Day Celebrating the better use of public space than merely for cars, we will be filling Cornwall Road with fun and music.
Come On Board Over the past two decades, Transport for London (TfL) have transformed their transport system beyond recognition. Are you getting the most out of the steps they have taken to...
TfL’s Cycling Workplaces programme TfL’s Cycling Workplaces is available to any organisation within London and aims to help provide a kick start for cycling in these places or to build on existing good...
Lambeth sees the light! Work is currently underway to convert 12,981 of Lambeth’s street lighting stock from SON-T (sodium) bulbs to LED bulbs.
Lambeth leading the way Lambeth is leading the Low Emission Logistics Project to improve the air that we breathe
Lambeth determined to tackle poor air quality We are determined to improve the air quality in Lambeth – and take a lead in making the whole of London a cleaner place to live.
Pedal and Peddle at the Lambeth Country Show 2016 We have a ‘Cycle Zone’ at this year's Lambeth Country Show!
Lambeth Floral Ride Everyone is invited to take part and join the floral ride. Hundreds of cycles expected on two Lambeth floral rides to the Lambeth Country Show 2016